Lets face it, what girl doesn't like to dress good and look sexy from time to time. You occasionally like to dress in that low-cut top, short dress or skirt, or those tight clothes that might show off just enough to turn a few heads. Your boyfriend however, may not like how you dress for several reasons. You have the right to dress how you want however, with that being said, while you want to look good it might not be a totally bad idea understanding why your boyfriend might not like what you wear.
First, guys can be very insecure. What this basically means is while he might like the sexy clothes you are wearing, that also means other guys will like the same thing. Men look when they see a woman showing even a little cleavage, so to him you are attracting the wrong kind of attention. He doesn't want to have to compete with others or even feel like he is competing. Even if he isn't, just the fact that people are looking can get him a little insecure.
With that being said, if you like to dress sexy, you should always talk to him about it. See what you can do to make it better for him, what kinds of clothes upset him the most, or what you can get away with.
You need to keep your identity as a woman, and making sure your boyfriend can understand that is key. You might need to spend some time reassuring him not to be so insecure or jealous.
Another reason he may not like it is simply because he is controlling the way you dress. While some women might find possessiveness hot to an extent, there is a way to take it too far. If your boyfriend is controlling the way you dress, it might be the start of controlling other parts of your life or relationship. Make sure to pay attention to that, and if you aren't the type to be in a controlling relationship, then this could be a deal breaker for you.
Finally, this could simply be due to his religion. He may not be comfortable with girls dressing sexy or showing too much skin simply because his religion doesn't allow that. If a person comes from a culture where the women are covered, you need to understand that it could take some time for him to get used to dating someone who doesn't dress like that.
All in all, this can be remedied with some communication and a little bit of understanding from both sides. If you are a woman and love to dress sexy, then you need to tell him that this is a part of your style. He also needs to tell you why he doesn't like when you dress sexy so that you can understand what it is that bugs him about the clothes Remember that one person's modest could be another's too provocative, so it's best to try and come to a compromise on this issue if you choose to make it work.
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What do you think? Does your boyfriend influence the way you dress?