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How many of you do think that racism in the fashion industry is possibly the best way to bring a rise in the fashion world? As one fashion weekends up, the other start off and for us, we do think that exclusively white is becoming one of the main big seasons to talk about. In the previous years, it was not being taken as the dominant trend as it has been captured out to be in the seasons past. But might consider that it is fading now but still without any doubt it is one of the mainstays to talk about.
Women of today modern world are very much fond of black color as it is the perfect way to add up your body with the slimming effects. But this color merely becomes the main trend in the clothing, but do you really think black color skin tone is equally demanding as well?
In the last few years, the popularity and extreme demand of the Asian models have been witnessed out inside the fashion marketplaces. But on the other side of the story, black models are still becoming the main talk of the town as the token status. Joan Smalls as known to be one of the most top successful models in the world is black. Not just you, but the fashion industry is confused as well!
It would not be wrong to say out the fact that in fashion magazine and industry the concept of racism has been getting much high. Much of the obsession has been captured in terms of the skinniness. It has been a long decade that the black models have been captured out to be the part of the cover of famous magazines. This is for the reason that according to one of the famous model statements if you are having a black face and you are on the cover, it will not sell out.
Today, the stories of the racism in the fashion industry are getting so much common and well known that it is becoming much easy to be the blase about them. Some of them do come from the few of the well known black models in the business. Dunn as one of the famous black models in fashion has bravely stated in a statement that she has been thrown away so many times from the fashion doorstep just because clients do not want any kind of the black girls in their business.
She was eventually rejected so many times for being colored. If we talk about a group of black models then for them is the part of the fashion world is a big challenge for them. They had to come to face to face communication with the casting directors and are being judged in so many different ways out. For the white designers following the money and fame is much more important than the quality. Black models bring quality in their work in which they are probably not so interested.
As racism has been getting much common in the fashion world, so right here we are about to put into discussion the top racist fashion trends that have to be stopped right now! Let's check them out!
The first trend is all about using the blackface instead of hiring the black models. Hiring the group of black models over the photo shoots and runways cannot be such a daunting task as the industry bosses has been resorting to make the use of blackface. This factor has been into a deep problematic history. Blackface minstrelsy made itself nationally popular in the late 1820s when white male performers mocked the behavior of the black all through by playing racial stereotypes for laughs.
The second trend would be about the lightening of the skin of women of color! As any model made her appearance on the beauty magazines, the editors lighten up their skin tone. This practice shows that the white skin tone matters a lot in the beauty industry on high terms. Although it can be stopped if the fashion industry wants it to get stopped.
Most important of all the trends have been about the photo shoots that are playing the racist stereotypes. In the fashion world, it is a trend that the old ones suddenly become the new trend. This same concept can be said out in the category of the fact that how imagery plays on old racial stereotypes. This brings out the outcome of the generalized depiction of a dangerous black male and an angelic white woman.
Fourth of the racism trend in fashion is about giving the white people credit for fashion trends which they probably did not create. It is being known that black and brown American men have been wearing beards for the last so long time. But just newly three of the top white models namely Kendall Jenner, Kristen Stewart and Cara Delevingne have made the braids a "bold" fashion trend. These braids are becoming one of the latest fall trends these days.
Bringing next on the fashion trend is about people of color who are being followed while they shop in the retail stores. No matter whether it has been about the department store or the local convenience market, people of color are being followed all over the shops and are questioned in an invasive way.
Indulging in the appropriate level of the ethnic and ethnoreligious attire to make fashion statements. This does add the disrespectful use of burqas or Native American headdresses as turning out to be the main examples in the cultural appropriation.
Well, this is not the duty of the world who has to take the step for bringing change in the fashion world against the racism in the fashion industry. It is the people connected with fashion industry who need to step up and remove the monster of racism to give equal rights to each single black and white model. Only this can add the highest grossing success in the fashion world on the global level.