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Window Shopping

Admiring goods at your local clothing boutique without spending a dime
women window shopping

Shifting through the racks of clothes at your favorite department store gives you a heightened sense of happiness. Shopping can give a high to a woman, it does so by releasing a flood of endorphins (the chemicals that tell you brain something is good). Window shopping can be just as thrilling. It's no secret that women love to shop and the shops they visit love them in return.

    Quick Tips
  • If you plan on window shopping around the busy holiday season; avoiding the big chains can spare you the added stress
  • If you must make a spur of the moment purchase make sure it's a small item
  • Try and stay focused on items of clothing you need, if you already have something similar in your closet, pass on it this time around

When your boyfriend or husband is with you for some they can dread the idea of just window shopping, to avoid conflict some couples agree to split up while they shop and meet for lunch at a set time. As long as both parties are happy looking at the items they love everyone wins.

Getting the chance to spend a day shopping your local mall can be a thrilling experience for women, navigating though racks of new arrivals and peeking at the best deals displayed in store fronts. This feeling is o so familiar and usually ends in an upsetting credit card statement at the end of the month. There are a few ways to make sure you don't end up feeling down over your new buys.

Convince yourself that shopping for clothes is an investment and you should make sure the pieces are of high quality that will last you for many years. Trying new clothes on in the changing room is also recommended, while doing so remind yourself that this purchase is for the body you have currently and not for the body you're aiming for (this is a hard thing to do for many women). Let's say you find a pair of pants, jeans or a top that fits perfectly, you should buy it in multiples and different variations if possible. Since it could be difficult to find such a piece again.

To ease the damage of any over spending try window shopping at thrift shops or consignment stores, you will normally find lower prices at these locations vs. the major retailers.

Most boyfriends and spouses tend to view their mate as an out of control shopaholic. Setting up a budget prior to any spending and sticking with it will change this point of view over time.

Sometimes, shopping can be therapeutic as strange as it may sound. Buying something new can put you in high spirits and can even relieve stress, retail therapy is real. Spending hours of our free time analyzing items we probably don't need. The reward from window shopping is similar to how you would feel from eating a good piece of chocolate.

  • Time: With no real time constraints put on this pastime, many people are able to work it in during an average day
  • Cost: One of the greatest attractions of browsing window displays is that the activity is free
  • Inspirational: This form of shopping is a way to generate creativity
  • Relaxation: People often choose to window shop because it is an activity with no real obligations

Pictures of Shoppers making a purchase finding new clothes browsing the racks

One way or another shopping is relaxing and it's a great escape. Browsing stores and shopping online can provide the feel of a mini vacation at times, it's a harmless luxury.

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